About Parker Park

Your Neighborhood Park

Per the founding documents, Parker Park maintenance is the financial responsibility of all 98 homeowners in the 1st Filing. This responsibility is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors that consists of 1st Filing homeowners. The Park Board meets periodically, typically in January, and 1st Filing homeowners are always welcome to attend the meetings. The Board is always looking for new members and the time commitment is minimal, so if you think you might like to help us by becoming a new member or would like to learn more about our process and procedures, please send contact us.

All homeowners in the Heatherwood 1st Filing are members of Heatherwood, Inc. The Board of Directors of Heatherwood, Inc. currently consists of the following 1st Filing homeowners:

  • Evan McCalmon, President

  • Robert Oehmke

  • Todd Lucia

  • Will Keeley

  • Randy Kennerly

  • Susan Evans

  • Dave Van Noord

The yearly assessment is made pursuant to the “Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions” of Heatherwood Filing #1. Liens may be placed against properties that have not paid their assessments unless arrangements are made in advance with the Park Board. A link to the ByLaws, Articles of Incorporation, and Common Areas can be found here.

2023 Recap:

As always, a HUGE THANKS to all the members of the community who have helped with the park over the last several years (snow blowing, planting and pruning trees, picking up litter, dog poop, etc.).

In the park, we shut off the water just before the first freeze. The trunk of the newly-planted Greenspire Linden was wrapped with paper to protect it from the cold. We’ve also purchased three new sprinkler heads to be installed this spring.

Administratively, we’re excited to announce our new Parker Park website, expertly designed by board member Susan Evans, (https://www.parkerparkboulder.com/) to help the 1st Filing members find the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of Heatherwood Filing #1, instructions on paying the dues via Zelle as a form of electronic payment, and contact info for the Heatherwood 1st Filing Board. Please check it out!

Outlook for 2024: The Park Board continues the long-term goal to modernize irrigation and fix leaks; upgrades to the infrastructure of the park will help offset increases in the post-flood cost of water from the City of Boulder. With this goal in mind we feel that we can continue to keep the dues at a reasonable rate and keep the grass and trees in healthy shape. Likewise, we continue to modernize our administrative and communication processes. We’re still collecting primary emails associated with the 1st Filing properties for ease of sending assessment notices and annual letters. If so inclined, please send us an email (heatherwood.parkboard@gmail.com) or reach out via the new website with your 1st Filing address to start receiving our notifications electronically. Please know that the Heatherwood 1st Filing Board is working to keep Parker Park a beautiful communal gathering place that has a history as long as our neighborhood.

2022 Recap:

As always, a HUGE THANKS to all the members of the community who have helped with the park over the last several years (snow blowing, planting and pruning trees, picking up litter, dog poop, etc.).

In the park, we shut off the water for the winter just after Halloween. The trunks of the newly planted trees were wrapped with paper to protect them from the cold. The Greenspire Linden was hand-watered during the fall and seems to be settling into its new environs. We’ve also purchased three new sprinkler heads to be installed this spring.

Administratively, we’re excited to announce our new Parker Park website! The website is helping the 1st Filing members find the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of Heatherwood Filing #1, instructions on paying the dues via Zelle as a form of electronic payment, and contact info for the Heatherwood 1st Filing Board.

Outlook for 2023: The Park Board continues our long-term goal to modernize and replace the older sprinkler heads with more efficient ones; upgrades to the infrastructure of the park will help offset increases in the post-flood cost of water from the City of Boulder. With this goal in mind, we feel that we can continue to keep the dues at a reasonable rate and keep the grass and trees in healthy shape. We continue to work on modernizing our administrative processes, and how we communicate with the members (all 98 homes) of the 1st Filing.

We’d love to build a database of primary emails associated with the 1st Filing properties for ease of sending assessment notices and annual letters (no spam; we promise!). If so inclined, please contact us with your 1st Filing address to start receiving our notifications electronically.  For more information on how to pay dues, go to the Pay Dues page.

The Park Board is made up of volunteers and new members are always welcome. Come meet your neighbors at the annual meeting. If you have any questions about this assessment or if you need to make arrangements to pay in installments, please contact the board via email: heatherwood.parkboard@gmail.com.

2021 Recap:

As always, a HUGE THANKS to all the members of the community who have helped with the park over the last several years (snow blowing, planting, and pruning trees, picking up litter, dog poop, etc.). 

Last year, as a gift, Anna Lyttle’s third-grade Heatherwood Elementary class planted a Greenspire Linden in the park. The Linden should adapt well to the surrounding soil and eventually grow to a height of 50 feet!

The Park Board has hired 10 Star Tree Care for a small job to trim dead branches from the crabapple and pine trees in the southeastern corner of the park that requires professional trimming. The tree service will be in the park in the first weeks of the new year.

The trunks of the newly planted trees were wrapped with paper to protect them from the cold. The new Linden was hand-watered during the fall.  By doing much of this work ourselves, we have saved hundreds of dollars in the maintenance of the park and have reduced our water costs.

Outlook for 2022: The Park Board continues our long-term goal to modernize and replace the older sprinkler heads with more efficient ones; upgrades to the infrastructure of the park will help offset increases in the post-flood cost of water from the City of Boulder. With this goal in mind, we feel that we can continue to keep the dues at a reasonable rate and keep the grass and trees in healthy shape. We continue to work on modernizing our administrative processes, and how we communicate with the members (all 98 homes) of the 1st Filing. We’d love to build a database of primary emails associated with the 1st Filing properties for ease of sending assessment notices and annual letters (no spam; we promise!). If so inclined, please contact us with your 1st Filing address to start receiving our notifications electronically.  For more information on how to pay dues, go to the Pay Dues page.

Please know that the Heatherwood 1st Filing Board is working to keep Parker Park a beautiful communal gathering place that has a history as long as our neighborhood. 

The Park Board is made up of volunteers and new members are always welcome. Come meet your neighbors at the annual meeting. If you have any questions about this assessment or if you need to make arrangements to pay in installments, please contact the board here.